The Last Lesson Summary Class 12 English PDF

Hello students, in this article we have provided the Summary of Class 12th Flamingo Chapter 1 The Last Lesson in PDF format for free. You can download the PDF also of the Summary of The Last Lesson for free and use it to score 99.9% in your Class 12th Boards Exams.

Summary of The Last Lesson

The story is set in a small town in Alsace-Lorraine, a region in France that was annexed by Germany. The protagonist, Franz, is a schoolboy who hates learning the German language, which has been imposed upon the region by the German authorities. On the day of the last French lesson, Franz is running late and afraid of punishment. He is surprised to see that the school has an unusual quietness and the villagers are gathered outside the school.

He comes to know that this is the last French lesson and that their old French teacher, Mr. Hamel, is leaving. Mr. Hamel informs the students that they must be more attentive and diligent in their studies and teaches them the importance of their native language and culture, which they should cherish and not let fade away. He also informs them of the German authority’s decree of teaching only German in the schools, which was the reason for his departure. The students and the teacher bid an emotional farewell as they regret not having taken their studies seriously until now.

The story ends with Franz feeling remorseful and understanding the importance of his language and culture. He decides to learn and preserve his French heritage, even if it means doing it in secret. The story is a poignant reminder of the significance of language and culture and how they must be preserved even in the face of adversity.

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About the Author

The author of “The Last Lesson” is Alphonse Daudet. He was a French writer and is considered to be one of the most prominent figures of 19th-century French literature. He was born in Nîmes, France in 1840 and began his writing career as a journalist. His early works, which include poetry and short stories, were inspired by his travels and observations of the people and landscapes around him.

Daudet’s most famous works include “Letters from My Windmill,” a collection of short stories set in the Provençal region of France, and “Tartarin of Tarascon,” a novel that satirizes the exaggerated masculinity of French culture at the time. He was also a prolific playwright and wrote several plays that were performed on stages across France.

Daudet suffered from syphilis, which severely affected his health and caused him to become addicted to morphine. Despite his illness, he continued to write and publish until his death in 1897 at the age of 57. Today, Daudet is remembered as a major literary figure in French literature and his works continue to be widely read and studied.

Conclusion of the Last Lesson

The Last Lesson Class 12 summary depicts a sentimental ending to the story. The citizens of Alsace express disappointment at losing their freedom under Prussian rule, while simultaneously realizing what they had taken for granted – the privilege of learning their language and the freedom to do so. The departure of the teacher inspires patriotism in the villagers, and they prepare themselves mentally for a new tomorrow filled with bitter realities. The summary highlights the exceptional mental resolve shown by the citizens of Alsace.

Summary of The Last Lesson In Hindi

अंतिम पाठ एक गंभीर एवं भावनात्मक कहानी है जो फ्रांस के अल्सेस क्षेत्र में लगी है। कहानी के केंद्र में एक गुरु होते हुए उनकी शिष्याओं को फ्रांसीसी भाषा का अंतिम पाठ सिखाना होता है। यह उनका अंतिम पाठ होता है क्योंकि उनके शिक्षक ने फ्रांस से अल्सेस आने का आदेश प्राप्त कर लिया होता है। इस पाठ के ज़रिए लेखक ने इस बात को उजागर किया है कि किस प्रकार भाषा एक राष्ट्र की विरासत के रूप में महत्वपूर्ण होती है।

अंतिम पाठ के दौरान शिक्षक शिष्यों को भाषा के महत्व के बारे में बताते हुए उन्हें फ्रांस के इतिहास और संस्कृति से भी अवगत कराते हैं। इसके अलावा, उन्होंने उन्हें इस बात का भी पता लगाया कि अब से उन्हें अपनी भाषा से वंचित कर दिया जाएगा। इससे उनमें एक जागरूकता उत्पन्न होती है और वे अपनी भाषा के प्रति अधिक आकर्षित होते हैं।

अंतिम पाठ एक उत्तेजक और भावनात्मक दस्तावेज है, जो शिक्षा और भाषा के महत्व को उजागर करता

Important Questions on The Last Lesson

Q: Who is the author of the chapter “The Last Lesson”?

A: The author of the chapter “The Last Lesson” is Alphonse Daudet.

Q: Who was the teacher in the story “The Last Lesson”?

A: The teacher in the story “The Last Lesson” was Mr. Hamel.

Q: Why was it the last lesson for the students?

A: It was the last lesson for the students because the French government had issued an order that from that day onwards, only German language would be taught in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine, which were under the German occupation.

Q: How did the students feel about the last lesson?

A: The students felt sad and emotional about the last lesson. They regretted not paying attention to their studies before and felt remorseful for taking their language and culture for granted.

Q: What was the subject of the last lesson?

A: The subject of the last lesson was French grammar.

Q: How did the teacher Mr. Hamel feel about the last lesson?

A: The teacher Mr. Hamel felt emotional and nostalgic about the last lesson. He regretted not teaching his students better and felt guilty for taking his profession for granted.

Q: What did the students learn from the last lesson?

A: The students learned the importance of their language and culture from the last lesson. They realized that they had taken their language and culture for granted and felt patriotic toward their country.

Q: What was the overall message of the chapter “The Last Lesson”?

A: The overall message of the chapter “The Last Lesson” was that language and culture are an integral part of a person’s identity and should be preserved and celebrated. The chapter also highlights the importance of education and the role of teachers in shaping the minds of students.

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