Hello students, in this article we have provided the Summary of Class 12th Vistas Chapter 4 The Enemy in PDF format for free. You can download the PDF also of the Summary The Enemy for free and use it to score 99.9% in your Class 12th Boards Exams.
Summary of The Enemy
The Enemy” is a short story by Pearl S. Buck that tells the story of a Chinese farmer named Wang Lung who encounters a Japanese soldier during the Second Sino-Japanese War. Here is a summary of the story:
Wang Lung, a Chinese farmer, is working in his field when he sees a Japanese soldier walking towards him. He is terrified and runs to his house to hide. He then sees the soldier enter his house and is filled with anger and fear. He decides to kill the soldier, but when he goes inside, he sees that the soldier is wounded and in need of help.
Despite his initial hatred for the soldier, Wang Lung decides to take care of him. He cleans the soldier’s wounds and feeds him. The soldier is grateful and tells Wang Lung about his life and his family. Wang Lung starts to see the soldier as a human being and not just as an enemy.
As the days pass, Wang Lung and the soldier develop a friendship of sorts. They talk about their families and their dreams. However, Wang Lung knows that the soldier is still his enemy and that he must report him to the authorities.
When the authorities come to take the soldier away, Wang Lung is filled with guilt and regret. He realizes that the soldier was just a man like himself, with a family and a life. He also understands that war makes enemies of people who would otherwise have no reason to hate each other.
The story ends with Wang Lung returning to his field, feeling sad and regretful. He realizes that he has lost something valuable – his innocence and his belief in the goodness of humanity.
In summary, “The Enemy” is a story about the human cost of war and the power of empathy to overcome hatred and prejudice.
Conclusion of The Enemy
“The Enemy” by Pearl S. Buck is a powerful story that portrays the devastating effects of war on people’s lives. The story concludes with a sense of sadness and regret, as Wang Lung comes to the realization that war turns people into enemies, even though they may share common dreams and aspirations.
The story also emphasizes the importance of empathy and compassion in times of conflict. Although Wang Lung initially sees the Japanese soldier as his enemy, he eventually sees him as a fellow human being with his own struggles and pain. This realization helps him overcome his fear and hatred, and he decides to help the soldier.
About the Author
Pearl S. Buck (1892-1973) was an American writer and novelist, best known for her novel “The Good Earth”, which won the Pulitzer Prize in 1932. She was born in West Virginia, USA, and spent much of her childhood in China, where her parents were missionaries. She later returned to China as an adult, where she spent most of her life and became a prominent advocate for women’s and minority rights.
Buck wrote extensively about China and its culture, and many of her novels and stories are set in China. Her writing often explores themes of identity, cultural differences, and the struggle for human rights and social justice.
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Summary of The Enemy in Hindi
The Enemy” एक लघु कहानी है जिसकी लेखिका Pearl S. Buck हैं जो दूसरी सीनो-जापानी युद्ध के दौरान चीनी किसान वांग लुंग की कहानी बताती है। यहां इस कहानी का सारांश है:
वांग लुंग, एक चीनी किसान, अपनी खेती में काम करते हुए एक जापानी सैनिक को देखता है। वह भयभीत हो जाता है और छिपने के लिए अपने घर भागता है। उसके बाद वह सैनिक को अपने घर में देखता है और गुस्से और भय से भर जाता है। उसे सैनिक को मार डालने का फैसला लेना होता है, लेकिन जब वह अंदर जाता है, तो उसे देखता है कि सैनिक घायल है और मदद की जरूरत है।
अपनी पहली नफरत के बावजूद, वांग लुंग फैसला करता है कि उसे देखभाल करेगा। उसने सैनिक की घावों को साफ किया और उसे खिलाया। सैनिक आभारी है और वांग लुंग को अपने जीवन और परिवार के बारे में बताता है। वांग लुंग सैनिक को एक मानव के रूप में देखने लगता है और सिर्फ एक शत्रु के रूप में नहीं।
दिन बीतते हैं और सैनिक वांग लुंग के साथ ठीक से ठीक बदलता है। वह उसे चीनी शहर के साथ ले जाता है और उसे अपने शहर के संगीत, भोजन और संस्कृति से परिचित कराता है। साथ ही, सैनिक उसे भारतीय सैनिकों की मदद करने के लिए अपनी सेना में शामिल होने के बारे में भी बताता है।
आखिरकार, जब जापान से फिर से युद्ध खत्म होता है, तो सैनिक वांग लुंग से विदाई लेता है और दोनों एक दूसरे को अलविदा कहते हुए अलग हो जाते हैं।
इस कहानी में, Pearl S. Buck ने दो विपरीत सेनाओं के बीच एक सामान्य व्यक्ति के रूप में वांग लुंग के चरित्र के माध्यम से दोस्ती, सहानुभूति और मानवता के महत्व को दर्शाया है। यह कहानी एक संदेश है कि हमें अपने शत्रुओं को दुश्मन नहीं, बल्कि इंसान के रूप में देखना चाहिए और हमेशा सहानुभूति के साथ व्यवहार करना चाहिए।
Important Questions on The Enemy with answers
- Who are the two main characters in “The Enemy”?
- The two main characters are Mr. Pan and Mr. Wu.
- What is the setting of the story?
- The story is set in China during the Second Sino-Japanese War.
- What is the profession of Mr. Wu and Mr. Pan?
- Mr. Wu is a grocer and Mr. Pan is a farmer.
- Why did Mr. Wu hate Mr. Pan initially?
- Mr. Wu hated Mr. Pan because he believed that Mr. Pan’s ancestors had taken advantage of his own ancestors.
- What happens to Mr. Wu and Mr. Pan’s homes during the war?
- Mr. Wu’s home is destroyed during an air raid, while Mr. Pan’s home is left untouched.
- Why does Mr. Wu go to Mr. Pan’s house?
- Mr. Wu goes to Mr. Pan’s house to seek shelter after his own home is destroyed.
- How does Mr. Pan treat Mr. Wu when he comes to his house?
- Mr. Pan treats Mr. Wu with kindness and offers him food and shelter.
- What does Mr. Wu do when he discovers that Mr. Pan’s son is a soldier fighting against the Japanese?
- Mr. Wu realizes that Mr. Pan’s son is fighting for the same cause as him and begins to see him and Mr. Pan in a new light.
- What message does the story convey?
- The story conveys the message that humanity and compassion should always come before hate and animosity, even in times of war and conflict.
- What is the significance of the title “The Enemy”?
- The title refers to the initial perception of Mr. Wu and Mr. Pan towards each other as enemies, but the story shows how their perception changes as they learn to see each other as fellow human beings.