Hello students, in this article we have provided the Summary of Class 12th Flamingo Poem 1 My Mother at Sixty-six in PDF format for free. You can download the PDF also of the Summary of My Mother at Sixty-six for free and use it to score 99.9% in your Class 12th Boards Exams.
Summary of My Mother at Sixty-six
The story begins with the daughter driving her mother from their ancestral home to the daughter’s own house in a different city. As they drive, the daughter observes her mother’s physical fragility and reflects on her own feelings of love, respect, and responsibility towards her.
The mother, who is sixty-six years old, falls asleep during the journey, and the daughter is filled with a deep sense of sadness and anxiety. The daughter realizes that her mother is not only growing old but is also moving closer to death. She feels a strong sense of attachment to her mother and is overwhelmed with emotions, such as love, respect, and a sense of loss.
As they continue on their journey, the daughter notices the passing scenery, which is a metaphor for the passing of time. She reflects on the various roles her mother has played in her life, such as her caregiver, friend, and mentor, and the profound impact her mother has had on her life.
Toward the end of the journey, the daughter notices the vulnerability of her mother’s face, which she describes as a “death mask.” This image serves as a reminder of the inevitability of death and the importance of cherishing the moments we have with our loved ones.
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Conclusion of the My Mother at Sixty Six
In conclusion, “My Mother at Sixty-six” is a poignant portrayal of a daughter’s emotional journey as she comes to terms with the aging and mortality of her beloved mother. The story is a tribute to the mother-daughter bond and a reminder of the importance of cherishing our loved ones while we still have them with us.
About the Author
The author of the Poem “My Mother at Sixty-six” is Kamala Das, also known by her pen name Madhavikutty. She was a prominent Indian poet, author, and feminist, who wrote extensively in English and Malayalam.
Das was born on March 31, 1934, in Punnayurkulam, a village in the Indian state of Kerala. She was raised in a conservative Hindu family and had a tumultuous childhood due to her parents’ turbulent relationship. She started writing at a young age and gained recognition for her poetry in Malayalam, a language spoken in the state of Kerala.
Das wrote about taboo topics such as sexuality and female desire, and her frankness and honesty in her writing often led to controversy. In addition to poetry, she also wrote novels, short stories, and essays.
Summary of My Mother at Sixty-Six in Hindi
इस अध्याय “मेरी माँ साठ साल की” की लेखिका कमला दास हैं। वह एक प्रमुख भारतीय कवित्री, लेखिका और नारीवादी थीं, जो अंग्रेजी और मलयालम भाषाओं में विस्तृत रूप से लिखती थीं।
कमला दास का जन्म 31 मार्च 1934 को पुन्नयुर्कुलम, केरल के एक गांव में हुआ था। वह एक परंपरागत हिन्दू परिवार में पली बढ़ी थीं और उनके माता-पिता के विवादपूर्ण संबंध के कारण उनका बचपन बेकार था। उन्होंने नौजवानी में लिखना शुरू किया था और मलयालम में अपनी कविताओं के लिए पहचान प्राप्त की।
कमला दास ने सेक्सुअलिटी और महिला इच्छा जैसे टैबू विषयों पर लिखा था, और उनकी लेखन की सीधापन और ईमानदारी अक्सर विवादों का कारण बनती थी। मलयालम और अंग्रेजी दोनों भाषाओं में उनके काम विस्तृत रूप से अनुवादित हुए हैं।
उनकी उपन्यास, कहानियाँ और निबंध भी हैं। उनकी प्रसिद्ध रचनाएं “द डेसेंडेंट्स,” “समर इन कलकत्ता,” “द अल्फाबेट ऑफ लस
रचना का आधार उस बेटी-बाप के अनुभव पर है जो एक समय में रेल यात्रा कर रहे थे। उनकी माँ 60 वर्ष की है और वे समय-समय पर एक सुरक्षित यात्रा करने के लिए उनके साथ रहती हैं। इस यात्रा में, बेटी अपनी माँ को उसके उम्र के कारण संतुष्ट नहीं देखती है। उसे लगता है कि उनकी माँ की संतुष्टि कम हो गई है, जो उन्हें बेहद चिंतित करता है।
यात्रा के दौरान, बेटी अपनी माँ को चेहरे की तस्वीर दिखाती है जो उन्हें उनके जवान दिनों की याद दिलाती है। उसकी माँ का उत्तर असंतोषजनक होता है जिससे बेटी का निराशा बढ़ती है। यह दिखाता है कि जब एक व्यक्ति बुढ़ापे में पहुंचता है, तो उन्हें उनके जीवन के पुराने अवधियों की याद आती हैं और उन्हें अपने जीवन के संक्षिप्त अंशों की याद आती है।
इस कहानी में, लेखिका ने बेटी-माँ के संबंध को बहुत संवेदनशील तरीके से दर्शाया है और उसने बुढ़ापे की एक समस्या को उजागर किया है
Important Questions on My Mother at Sixty Six
- What emotions does the speaker experience as she watches her mother sleep in the car?
Answer: The speaker experiences a mix of emotions as she watches her mother sleep in the car. She feels a deep sense of love and concern for her mother, as well as a sense of sadness and melancholy about the passage of time and the inevitability of death.
- How does the speaker describe her mother’s appearance in the car?
Answer: The speaker describes her mother as looking very small and frail in the car. She notes that her mother’s hair has turned almost completely grey, and that her face looks tired and worn.
- What does the speaker mean by the line, “I look at her, and do not know / What bogeyman of the skies / Consumed her dark, drop by drop”?
Answer: This line is a metaphor for the slow process of aging and the toll it takes on the body. The speaker is reflecting on how her mother’s appearance has changed over time, and how she is gradually being consumed by the inevitable process of aging.
- What is the overall theme of the poem “My Mother at Sixty-six”?
Answer: The overall theme of the poem is the passage of time and the inevitability of death. The poem reflects on the relationship between mother and daughter, and the emotions that arise as we watch our loved ones grow old and approach the end of their lives.