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Resonance Study Material for NEET PDF: Biology for FREE | Resonance Biology Modules PDF

Resonance Biology Books are the best books for the preparation of the NEET exam as they cover the complete syllabus. This material has the best-composed structure which enables the student to crack any medical entrance exams by building a strong base and having a variety of concepts. You will receive Booklets of Zoology, Botany, or Biology – ALL CHAPTERS. 


RESONANCE Modules PDF may be a coaching institute for the NEET to supply all the materials associated with them. and test series also. Every Coaching Institute has its own modules and test series. But resonance is that the only best Coaching Institute and their material is additionally very helpful.

Description, Explanation, Practice Problems, Solved Problems, Problem Sets and Solutions MCQs & descriptive. Composing of all the books with respect to the RESONANCE coaching institute. The books are of the recent year 2021-22. The concepts that already came in the year 2020 is less likely to be repeated hence,the concept of the previous year(2020) is more useful. Therefore, this material is needed!!


  • Edition – 2020-21
Resonance Biology Modules PDFDownload Link
Resonance Biology Modules Class 11Download Here
Resonance Biology Modules Class 12Download Here

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Chapter included in these Resonance Biology Modules are:

NEET 2021 Biology Syllabus from Class 11

  • Diversity in Living World
  • Structural Organisation in Animals and Plants
  • Cell Structure and Function
  • Plant Physiology
  • Human physiology

NEET 2021 Biology Syllabus from Class 12

  • Reproduction
  • Genetics and Evolution
  • Biology and Human Welfare
  • Biotechnology and Its Applications
  • Ecology and environment 

NEET chapter-wise weightage for Biology

Name of the chapterNumber of questions asked (Approx.)Weightage in percentile
Anatomy of Flowering Plants0-12
Animal Kingdom27
Biodiversity and Conservation13
Biological Classification0-12
Biotechnology and its Applications13
Biotechnology: Principles and Processes13
Body Fluids and Circulation0-11
Breathing and Exchange of Gases0-12
Cell Cycle and Cell Division0-12
Cell: The Unit of Life, Biomolecules0-12
Chemical Coordination and Integration14
Digestion and Absorption13
Environmental Issues0-12
Excretory Products and their Elimination0-12
Human Health and Disease13
Human Reproduction13
Locomotion and Movement0-12
Microbes in Human Welfare0-12
Mineral Nutrition0-11
Molecular Basis of Inheritance26
Morphology of Flowering Plants15
Neural Control and Coordination0-12
Organisms and Populations0-12
Photosynthesis in Higher Plants0-12
Plant Growth and Development0-11
Plant Kingdom14
Principles and Inheritance and Variation15
Reproduction in Organisms0-11
Reproductive Health0-12
Respiration in Plants0-11
Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants15
Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production0-12
Structural Organisation in Animals0-12
The Living World0-12
Transport in Plants0-11

Resonance Biology Modules PDF free dowload Neet Books are the simplest books for the preparation of NEET exam as they covers the entire syllabus . This Material has the simplest composed structure which enables the scholar to crack any medical entrance exams by building a robust base and having sort of concepts. you’ll receive : Booklets of Physics, Zoology, Botany or Biology – ALL CHAPTERS. Description, Explanation, Practice Problems, Solved Problems, Problem Sets and Solutions MCQs & descriptive.Composing of all the books with reference to the coaching institute. The books are of the recent year 2018-19 albeit it’s second user ,the books are often mistaken for a fresh material(as the photographs suggest). WHY use this resonance biology modules pdf and not the fresh ones? aside from the worth that you simply are becoming at (which is one third of the first ) the concepts of 2019 is more likely to be repeated than of 2020 within the exams of 2020. The concepts that already came within the year 2019 is a smaller amount likely to be repeated hence,the concept of the previous year(2019) is more useful. Therefore, this material is needed!!

Resonance Modules PDF free Download

  • Comprehensive Resonance Modules Study Material with deep extensive coverage of theory to make sure coverage of syllabus for building a solid foundation and clarity of concepts.
  • Solved examples followed by unsolved practice exercises for CBSE & NEET.
  • An exercise of past Year problems asked in CBSE, NEET exams with complete solutions.
  • Advance level problems exercise with complete solutions.
  • Academic Doubt Resolution facility at Student Corner at DLPD website.

Resonance Modules PDF free download for NEET is Comprehensive Study Material with deep extensive coverage of theory to make sure coverage of syllabus for building a solid foundation and clarity of concepts. Solved examples followed by unsolved practice exercises for NEET/AIIMS. An exercise of previous years problems asked in NEET exam with complete solutions. 100% Solutions of the issues asked in Practice Exercises. Approx. 50% in Modules itself and remaining solutions are available at student corner at DLPD website. Academic Doubt Resolution facility at Student Corner at DLPD website.

Resonance Modules PDF for 11th&12th study material for NEET/AIIMS /AIPMT of Edition 2020-2021: RESONANCE: Books.

Resonance Modules DPP

  • DPP may be a set of topic-wise problems to know the concepts after covering the idea a part of those topics.
  • Original DPPs of classroom program students.
  • Designed during a thanks to increase problem solving skills and an excellent tool for normal practice of problems.
  • Available as DPPs file for Physics, Chemistry & Biology for NEET pattern problems.
Book NameResonance Biology Modules
No. of Chapters18
Class11 and 12

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