MCQ Questions Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 11 Marketing Management with Answers

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Marketing Management Class 12 MCQs Questions with Answers

Class 12 Business Studies BST ( Part 2 Business Finance and Marketing )Chapter 11 Marketing Management MCQ Questions with Answers

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1. Registering a trademark gives to the users


2. There is _______ communication in case of advertising


3. Which one of the following is a marketing management philosophy?


4. Which one of the following factors is not relevant to price fixation?


5. With which element is exchange mechanism related?


6. ___ is the marketing function which is concerned with informing the customers about the firm’s products.


7. ___ involves designing and producing container or wrapper of the product.


8. Within 2 years of it’s inception, Bhavishya Limited has created a very positive reputation about itself and its products in the eyes of general public by participating extensively in various social welfare programs. Identify the component of promotion mixing described in the given lines.


9. Marketing is called a ___ process because it involves interaction of buyers and sellers.


10. Hena is planning to set up a small manufacturing unit for manufacturing eco-friendly packaging material. She has decided to market her products through the conventional channel of distribution, which involves wholesalers and retailers. Identify the channel of distribution being adopted by the company.


11. Which one of the following promotion tools has mass reach?


12. A salesman of a company dealing in pet foods is paid a fixed salary of ?20000 per month and furthermore, ?20 extra per unit of the product sold beyond the target sales. Identify the type of cost being described in the given example.


13. Which one of the following is not a marketing mix?


14. Kannu has decided to sell her range of organic food products through her own retail outlets. Identify the channel of distribution being adopted by the company.


15. Under which of the following conditions does a business need not maintain high level of inventory?


16. Under which of the following situations is a company not likely to fix a lower price for its product?


17. Mail order selling is a __ channel of distribution.


18. For heavy equipment, which of the following channels is more relevant?


19. ___ is the deliberate action of an organisation for promoting goodwill between itself and the society.


20. ___ ensures that products reach the ultimate customers from the manufacturers.


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