MCQ Quiz on Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 10 S-Block Elements with Answers

We have compiled the MCQ Questions for Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 10 S-Block Elements with Answers Pdf free download covering the entire syllabus for JEE/NEET and Boards. Practice MCQ Questions for Class 11 Chemistry with Answers on a daily basis and score well in exams. Refer to the s-Block Elements Class 11 MCQs Quiz Questions with Answers here along with a detailed explanation.

s-Block Elements  Class 11 MCQs Questions with Answers

MCQ Questions for Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 10 The s-Block Elements with Answers

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1. Alkali metals react with water vigorously to form hydroxides and dihydrogen. Which of the following alkali metals reacts with water least vigorously?


2. Carnallite is the mineral of:


3. The basic strength of which hydroxide is maximum


4. The wire of flash bulb is made up of:


5. The stability of the following alkali metal chlorides follows the order


6. The paramagnetic species is


7. The alkali metals are low melting. Which of the following alkali metal is expected to melt if the room temperature rises to 30°C?


8. Solubilities of carbonates decrease down the Magnesium group due to decrease in


9. Milk of lime reacts with chlorine to form ________, a constituent of bleaching powder.


10. Which of the following metals is not manufactured by electrolysis?


11. CsOH is


12. The solubility of metal halides depends on their nature, lattice enthalpy and hydration enthalpy of the individual ions. Amongst fluorides of alkali metals, the lowest solubility of LiF in water is due to


13. Alkali metals give a _________________when dissolved in liquid ammonia


14. What happens when Calcium carbonate is heated to 1200 K?


15. In curing cement plasters, water is sprinkled from time to time. This helps in


16. A metal M readily forms water soluble sulphate MSO4, water insoluble hydroxide M(OH)2 and oxide MO which becomes inert on heating. The hydroxide is soluble in NaOH. The metal M is


17. The substance not likely to contain CaCO3 is


18. What are Oxo-Acids?


19. The reducing power of a metal depends on various factors. Suggest the factor which makes Li, the strongest reducing agent in aqueous solution.


20. Usually CaCl2 is preferred over NaCl for cleaning snow on roads particularly in very cold countries this is because


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