Previous Years JEE Advanced Questions and Solutions – Previous Year JEE Questions

The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) makes the previous year’s JEE Advanced exam papers available on their website for candidates to use as practice material. You can find the previous year’s papers by visiting the JEE Advanced website ( and clicking on the “Question Papers” link in the “Examination” section.

  • Year-wise Solved Papers in Mathematics 
  • Year-wise Solved Papers on Physics 
  • Year-wise Solved Papers on Chemistry 
  • A Must for JEE Advanced preparation or getting an IIT 

JEE Advanced Previous Year Questions

Solving previous year’s JEE Advanced questions can be a helpful way to practice for the exam and get a feel for the types of questions that are likely to appear. Keep in mind that the exam is revised and updated each year, so the questions from previous years may not be representative of the current exam. However, they can still be useful resources for practice and revision.

To prepare for the JEE Advanced exam, it can be helpful to practice with previous years’ question papers. These papers can give you an idea of the types of questions that are likely to appear on the exam and help you get a feel for the exam format and difficulty level.

2022 JEE Advanced PYQ with Solutions

Paper 1Download PDF
Paper 2Download PDF

2021 JEE Advanced PYQ with Solutions

Paper 1Download PDF
Paper 2Download PDF

2020 JEE Advanced PYQ with Solutions

Paper 1Download PDF
Paper 2Download PDF

2019 JEE Advanced PYQ with Solutions

Paper 1Download PDF
Paper 2Download PDF

2018 JEE Advanced PYQ with Solutions

Paper 1Download PDF
Paper 2Download PDF

2017 JEE Advanced PYQ with Solutions

Paper 1Download PDF
Paper 2Download PDF

2016 JEE Advanced PYQ with Solutions

Paper 1Download PDF
Paper 2Download PDF

Subject wise analysis of JEE Advanced PYQ


Heat and Thermodynamics645
Modern Physics433


Inorganic chemistry-1438
Inorganic Chemistry-2672
Organic Chemistry -1102
Organic Chemistry -2111210
Physical chemistry -11077
Physical chemistry -2477


Complex Numbers221
Coordinate Geometry556
Differential Calculus557
Fundamentals of Mathematics010
Integral Calculus686
Mathematical Reasoning000
Matrix & Determinants424
Permutations & Combination222
Quadratic Equations106
Sequence and Series111

Keep in mind that the JEE Advanced exam is held annually, and the syllabus and difficulty level can vary from year to year. Therefore, it is important to use previous years’ question papers as a supplement to your studies, rather than relying on them exclusively.

Important Things To Know About JEE Advanced

The Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Advanced is a competitive exam held annually for admission to undergraduate engineering programs at the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and other top engineering institutes in India. Here are some important things to know about the JEE Advanced:

  1. Eligibility: To be eligible to take the JEE Advanced, you must be among the top 2,50,000 candidates in the JEE Main exam and meet other eligibility criteria, such as age limits and the number of attempts.
  2. Exam format: The JEE Advanced is a two-part exam consisting of Paper 1 and Paper 2. Each paper is 3 hours long and consists of multiple-choice and numerical answer-type questions.
  3. Syllabus: The JEE Advanced syllabus covers topics from physics, chemistry, and mathematics. The syllabus is based on Class 11 and 12 syllabi of the CBSE board, but it is more advanced and covers a wider range of topics.(Download JEE Advanced Syllabus: Click Here)
  4. Preparation: To prepare for the JEE Advanced, it is important to have a strong foundation in the relevant subjects, as well as good problem-solving skills. You should use a variety of study materials, such as textbooks, practice questions, and previous years’ question papers, to prepare for the exam.
  5. Scoring: The JEE Advanced is a highly competitive exam, and the cut-off marks for each institute vary based on the number of available seats and the number of candidates who take the exam. To increase your chances of getting a seat in a top institute, it is important to aim for a high score on the JEE Advanced.

I hope this information is helpful. Best of luck with your JEE Advanced preparation!

FAQ’s on JEE Advanced PYQ

Who makes the question paper for JEE Advanced?

A team of subject experts and educators from the IIT and other institutes is typically involved in the process of developing the JEE Advanced question paper. The team creates the questions based on the JEE Advanced syllabus and ensures that the questions are fair, relevant, and adhere to the prescribed difficulty level.

Are both papers compulsory for JEE Advanced?

JEE Advanced consists of two papers (Paper 1 and Paper 2) of three hours duration each. Both papers are compulsory and only the responses of candidates who have appeared in both Paper 1 and Paper 2 will be evaluated.

In which year was JEE Advanced question paper the toughest?

In 2015, the JEE Advanced question paper was the toughest among all the year’s papers.

How many questions shall be there in JEE Advanced question paper?

The last year, there were 108 questions asked in the JEE Advanced paper.

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