Write a program to find x to the power n (i.e. x^n). Take x and n from the user. You need to return the answer. Do this recursively.


PROBLEM:-Write a program to find x to the power n (i.e. x^n). Take x and n from the user. You need to return the answer.Do this recursively.

Input format :Two integers x and n (separated by space)

Input format :Two integers x and n (separated by space)

Constraints :1 <= x <= 30 0 <= n <= 30

Sample Input 1 : 3 4

Sample Output 1 :81

Sample Input 2 : 2 5

Sample Output 2 :32


using namespace std;
int power(int x, int n) {

        return 1;
    return x*power(x,n-1);

int main(){
    int x, n;
    cin >> x >> n;
    cout << power(x, n) << endl;

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