Given the code to find out and return the number of digits present in a number recursively. But it contains few bugs, that you need to rectify such that all the test cases should pass.

Number of Digits

PROBLEM:-Given the code to find out and return the number of digits present in a number recursively. But it contains few bugs, that you need to rectify such that all the test cases should pass.

Input Format :
Integer n
Output Format :
Count of digits
Constraints :
1 <= n <= 10^6
Sample Input 1 :
Sample Output 1 :
Sample Input 2 :
Sample Output 2 :


using namespace std;
int count(int n){
    if(n == 0){
        return 0;
    int smallAns = count(n / 10);
    return smallAns + 1;
int main(){
    int n;
    cin >> n;
    cout << count(n) << endl;

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