Best Python Projects for CSE Students of College/Universities

Projects are the main part of your college/university life which test your skills and help to get jobs in companies when attached to a job resume.

Projects need to be unique and customized, should be improvised, and try to solve maximum problems with fewer errors. Projects need to have a good UI as first the non-technical people see your project and will notice the clean code and UI. One can use HTML, CSS, or BOOTSTRAP to link the codes to avoid mess. Try to use a database/API in your programs, as most companies demand a data management system. Create a hosted project which can make it more interactive and easy to understand.

Checkout: 10 AI Projects

Top 15+ Python Projects with Source Code

There are some project ideas that can help you in college:

1. Loan prediction problem

In this, we have a project which will predict whether the customer has paid the loan or not.

Here is the link provided which will give you insight about the libraries, the modules, and how the program is written.

Loan predictor project-code file

In this program, a person must know how to use plotting and fetch the data.

2. Current weather data

For this, you must have an API account to get the desired output. You can go through the code file to know about the code. It is using to get the current weather data.

The link for the same is been provided below:

Python project- current weather code file

3. PDF to the MP3 Project

Suppose you want to convert a PDF full of text into an mp3 (audio). Here is the program which will help you to convert PDF to MP3 only in a few lines of code. The requirements in this program are these libraries:




The code is provided in the below link:

PDF to MP3 – code file

4. Snake Game

Have you played a snake game in your childhood? The coder has created a similar type of Game. You can create such projects to increase your chances. Here, the graphical interface plays a major role. As the user will run the program and the first thing that comes in attraction is the window or the graphics used.

The code for the same is :

Snake Game- code file

5. Plagiarism Checker

When we have to write articles, essays or blogs then to check whether the file is plagiarism is free or not then we need such type of checker.

The project link is : Plagiarism Checker – project

6. Solving linear equations

Is solving linear equations difficult? then check out this program which will solve your equation easily with the graph. A student can try this program to increase his chances as this program is very useful for maths students.

The project link for the same is: Linear Equation Solver

The requirements will be Numpy and Matplotlib

7. PDF to TEXT converter

If you are given a PDF and you want to edit it as a document, then some websites do not offer you free access but here we have a python program that will help you convert the PDF to TEXT easily.

The project link is here: PDF to TEXT

8. Countdown Timer

It is the simplest project one can make,  it is used mainly in a task or games.

The timer of 60 sec is divided and that’s how you get it done. If the person knows how to use a graphical interface, then he can even show a clock

The program link is here: Countdown Timer-code

9. Quiz

A quiz is another game that can be made to play with people.  One can even create a file of questions and read the lines and loop in it to check the correct answer and give marks according to it. Also, a database can be created to store the data between two users or something related to that.

The program link is here: Quiz Time- code file

10. Hotel Management System

It’s difficult for the hotel manager to manage a hotel, so a user can make a python project for them to manage the hotel and the staff involved. It is a lengthy program that requires a lot of input and output. Github provides a project based on this system which can be referred to through the link given below:

The Program link is here: Hotel Management project

11. Currency Convertor Program

           Different nations have different Currencies, so why not make a project to get to know

           About it more. The project consists of many currencies and we can even have more or less

          than it.

          The program link for the same is: currency convertor

12. Rock paper – scissor game

Yet another game that is very famous can be played using Python. The project requires basic knowledge of looping and graphics. We will create a window and play the game.

The program link for the same is: Rock-paper-Scissor

13. Hangman Game

The game is made using simple functions and libraries and can be played easily.

The program link for the file is: hangman Game

14. Translator

The translator is here to help you learn various languages in a very easy way. Just write and get it done. You can have more languages to be inserted here or removed as per your choice. You can even create a file having languages to be used.

The program link is here: translator

15. College Admission Management  System

A management system program can be easily created using a database and list. Most companies require management programs to store their data. Users can even create a file to store data and read when required.

The program link for the same is: management system- college                   

There are endless projects which can be used for college/university. The main aim of the project is about how you can think technically and work on the bugs and large amounts of data. More projects can be found on GitHub.        

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