Class 12 Biology Case Study Questions Chapter 8 Human Health and Diseases

In Class 12 Boards there will be Case studies and Passage Based Questions will be asked, So practice these types of questions. Study Rate is always there to help you. Free PDF Downloads of CBSE Class 12 Biology Chapter 8 Human Health and Diseases Case Study and Passage-Based Questions with Answers were Prepared Based on the Latest Exam Pattern. Students can solve NCERT Class 12 Biology Case Study Questions Human Health and Diseases to know their preparation level.

In CBSE Class 12 Biology Paper, There will be a few questions based on case studies and passage-based as well. In that, a paragraph will be given, and then the MCQ questions based on it will be asked.

Human Health and Diseases Case Study Questions With Answers

Here, we have provided case-based/passage-based questions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 8 Human Health and Diseases

Case Study/Passage-Based Questions

Case Study 1: X and Y are communicable diseases whereas W and Z are non-communicable diseases. X is transmitted through vectors whereas Y is transmitted through droplet infection. W is caused due to a hormone deficiency whereas Z is a degenerative disease.

Identify W, X, Y, and Z

Answer: (b)

Select the correct statement.
(a) If X is sleeping sickness then its vector is Leishmania.
(b) If Y is diphtheria then it is caused by Bacillus anthracis.
(c) If W is hypothyroidism then it is caused by deficiency of thyroxine hormone.
(d) If Z is myocardial infarction then the patient develops an acute rheumatic fever, joint pain, and throat infection.

Answer: (c) If W is hypothyroidism then it is caused by deficiency of thyroxine hormone.

If X and Y both are usual diseases then which of the following holds true?
(a) X could be dengue caused by flavivirus and Y could be AIDS caused by HIV.
(b) X could be chikungunya whereas Y could be rhinitis.
(c) X could be hepatitis whereas Y could be rabies.
(d) X could be chickenpox caused by Varicella zoster virus whereas Y could be yellow fever caused by a flavivirus.

Answer: (b) X could be chikungunya whereas Y could be rhinitis.

If X and Y both are bacterial diseases then select the correct match from the following.
(a) X- Bubonic plague – Yersinia pestis
(b) Y – Gonorrhea – Neisseria gonorrhoeae
(c) X – Whooping cough – Bordetella pertussis
(d) Y – Botulism – Clostridium botulinum

Answer: (a) X- Bubonic plague – Yersinia pestis ​

Read the given statements and select the correct option.
Statement A: Communicable diseases could be contagious or non-contagious.
Statement B: Diseases that spread through vectors are non-contagious diseases
(a) Both statements A and B are true.
(b) Statement A is true but statement B is false.
(c) Statement A is false but statement B is true.
(d) Both statements A and B are false.

Answer: (a) Both statements A and B are true. ​​

Case Study/Passage-Based Questions

Case Study 2: In a study to test a new vaccine against the viral disease, mouse model testing is done. In this process, mice are vaccinated and their blood samples were tested. Mice developed mild disease symptoms. After a few days, those mice were again infected with the virus. This time they do not show any disease symptoms. Their blood samples were tested. Two graphs show antibody concentrations for the first and second infections in mice blood.

P and Q in the given graphs indicate
(a) IgM and IgG respectively
(b) IgG and IgM respectively
(c) IgG and IgE respectively
(d) IgM and IgA respectively.

Answer: (b) IgG and IgM respectively ​​​

Which form of the pathogen is used in vaccination?
(a) Activated and strong pathogenic antigens
(b) Inactivated and weakened pathogenic antigens
(c) Hyperactive and strong pathogen
(d) Preformed antibodies

Answer: (b) Inactivated and weakened pathogenic antigens ​​​

Which of the following is incorrect for P?
(a) It is the most abundant class of Ig.
(b) It is found in blood, lymph, and intestine.
(c) It is unable to cross the placental barrier.
(d) It is a monomer.

Answer: (c) It is unable to cross the placental barrier. ​​​

How does vaccination work?
(a) The immune system produces antibodies that stay in the blood.
(b) Memory lymphocytes remain in the body to fight off any future infection with the same pathogen.
(c) Antigenic proteins of pathogens generate a primary immune response and the memory B and T cells.
(d) All of these.

Answer: (d) All of these. ​​​​

Read the given statements and select the correct option.
Statement A: Mice do not show any disease symptoms during second exposure to the pathogenic virus.
Statement B: The antibody production is accelerated and more intense during the secondary immune response.

(a) Both statements A and B are true.
(b) Statement A is false but statement B is true.
(c) Statement A is true but statement B is false.
(d) Both statements A and B are false

Answer: (a) Both statements A and B are true. ​​​​

Case Study 3: Priya was 4 years old when she contracted chicken pox. It took her around 15 days to recover completely. Now Priya is 5 years old so her mother got her vaccinated a few days back for DPT (5th dose) as per the immunization program. Recently she was playing with her friend in the park when her friend accidentally fell on the iron pipe and badly bruised her knee. She was taken to the hospital where the doctor gave her an ATS injection and painkillers. Based on the above information, answer the following questions.
(i) Select the correct statement.

(a) Priya has developed natural active immunity against chicken pox.(b) Priya has developed artificial active immunity against DPT.
(c) Priyas friend has developed artificial passive immunity against tetanus.(d) All of these

Answer: (d) All of these ​​​​

(ii) Which of the following do you think is an example of natural passive immunity?

(a) Administration of AGS (anti gas gangrene serum) in a person(b) Transfer of IgA antibodies from mother to baby through mother’s milk
(c) A person recovered from viral infection(d) A child vaccinated for polio

Answer: v ​​​​

(iii) Which of the following is true for active immunity?

(a) It provides immediate relief.(b) It is temporary, not long lasting.
(c) It has no side effects(d) None of these

Answer: (c) It has no side effects ​​​​

(iv) Select the incorrect match.

(b) Active immunity – Vaccination against coronavirus(c) Active immunity – Administration of anti-diphtheria serum inpatient
(c) Active immunity – Administration of anti-diphtheria serum in patient(d) Passive immunity – Fetus having mother’s milk

Answer: (c) Active immunity – Administration of anti-diphtheria serum in patient ​​​​

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