Class 12 Biology Case Study Questions Chapter 15 Biodiversity and Conservation

In Class 12 Boards there will be Case studies and Passage Based Questions will be asked, So practice these types of questions. Study Rate is always there to help you. Free PDF Downloads of CBSE Class 12 Biology Chapter 15 Biodiversity and Conservation Case Study and Passage-Based Questions with Answers were Prepared Based on the Latest Exam Pattern. Students can solve NCERT Class 12 Biology Case Study Questions Biodiversity and Conservation to know their preparation level.

In CBSE Class 12 Biology Paper, There will be a few questions based on case studies and passage-based as well. In that, a paragraph will be given, and then the MCQ questions based on it will be asked.

Biodiversity and Conservation Case Study Questions With Answers

Here, we have provided case-based/passage-based questions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 15 Biodiversity and Conservation

Case Study/Passage Based Questions

Within a region, species richness increases with increasing explored area but only up to a limit. The given graph explains this relationship.

What does the given figure show?
(a) Rivet-popper hypothesis
(b) Species-area relationship
(c) Proportionate number of species of major taxa
(d) a-ecological diversity

Answer: (b) Species-area relationship

Equation for relationship (A) between species richness and area is
(a) log S = log C + Z log A
(b) log C = log S + Z log A
(c) Z log A = log S + log C
(d) log S = log C + log A.

Answer: (a) log S = log C + Z log A

What is the value of the slope of line or regression coefficient Z for frugivorous birds?
(a) 0.1-0.2 (b) 1.15
(c) 0.01-0.1 (d) 0.6-1.2

Answer: (b) 1.15

The shape of the curve for the relationship between species richness and areas for a wide variety of taxa are
(a) straight line
(b) parabola
(c) rectangular hyperbola
(d) bell-shaped.

Answer: (c) rectangular hyperbola

Who gave this concept of an increase in species richness with the increasing area?
(a) Humboldt (b) Odum
(c) Edward Wilson (d) Paul Ehrlich

Answer: (a) Humboldt

Case Study/Passage Based Questions

Biosphere reserves are multipurpose protected areas that are meant for preserving genetic diversity in representative ecosystems of various natural biomes and unique biological communities by protecting wild populations, traditional life style of tribals, and domesticated plant/animal genetic resources. Each biosphere reserve has three zones-core, buffer, and transition zone.

Which of the following is similar to biosphere reserve in terms of conservation?
(a) Gene banks
(b) Offsite collection
(c) Orchards
(d) Hotspots

Answer: (d) Hotspots

Refer to the given figure representing different zones of a biosphere reserve and select the correct option regarding it.

(a) A-Limited human activity is allowed such as for research and education.
(b) B-An active co-operation occurs between reserve management and local people for activities like cropping, settlements, etc.
(c) C-No human activity is allowed.
(d) None of these

Answer: (d) None of these

Refer to the given diagrammatic representation of a biosphere reserve.

Select the incorrect statement regarding X, Y and Z.
(i) X is devoted to strict protection of wildlife and no human activity is allowed in this zone.
(ii) In Y, only limited human activity (compatible with conservation) is allowed.
(iii) In X, commercial exploitation of natural resources is allowed.
(iv) Tourism is allowed in Y zone only.
(v) Zone Y helps to maintain the lifestyle of the tribal people living in the area.

(a) (iii), (iv) and (v) only
(b) (ii), (iii) and (v) only
(c) (i), (iii) and (iv) only
(d) (ii), (iii) and (iv) only

Answer: (a) (iii), (iv) and (v) only

Biosphere reserves differ from national parks and wildlife sanctuaries because in the former
(a) human beings are not allowed to enter
(b) people are an integral part of the system
(c) plants are paid greater attention than the animals
(d) living organisms are brought from all over the world and preserved for posterity

Answer: (b) people are an integral part of the system

MAB Programme means
(a) Man and biosphere programme
(b) Man and biodiversity conservation programme
(c) Manually aided biosphere conservation programme
(d) none of these

Answer: (a) Man and biosphere programme

Hope the information shed above regarding Case Study and Passage Based Questions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 15 Biodiversity and Conservation with Answers Pdf free download has been useful to an extent. If you have any other queries about CBSE Class 12 Biology Biodiversity and Conservation Case Study and Passage Based Questions with Answers, feel free to comment below so that we can revert back to us at the earliest possible.
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