Class 11 Biology: Case Study of Chapter 22 Chemical Coordination and Integration PDF Download

In Class 11 Final Exams there will be Case studies and Passage Based Questions will be asked, So practice these types of questions. Study Rate is always there to help you. Free PDF Download of CBSE Class 11 Biology Chapter 22 Case Study and Passage Based Questions with Answers were Prepared Based on Latest Exam Pattern. Students can solve NCERT Class 11 Biology Chemical Coordination and Integration to know their preparation level.

In CBSE Class 11 Biology Paper, There will be a few questions based on case studies and passage-based as well. In that, a paragraph will be given, and then the MCQ questions based on it will be asked.

Chemical Coordination and Integration Case Study Questions With Answers

Here, we have provided case-based/passage-based questions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 22 Chemical Coordination and Integration

Case Study/Passage-Based Questions

Case Study 1:

The thyroid gland is composed of two lobes which are located on either side of the trachea. Both the lobes are interconnected with a thin flap of connective tissue called isthmus. The thyroid gland is composed of follicles and stromal tissues. Each thyroid follicle is composed of follicular cells, enclosing a cavity. These follicular cells synthesise two hormones, tetraiodothyronine or thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). Iodine is essential for the normal rate of hormone synthesis in the thyroid. Deficiency of iodine in our diet results in hypothyroidism and enlargement of the thyroid gland, commonly called goitre. Hypothyroidism during pregnancy causes defective development and maturation of the growing baby leading to stunted growth (cretinism), mental retardation, low intelligence quotient, abnormal skin, deaf-mutism, etc. In adult women, hypothyroidism may cause menstrual cycle to become irregular. Due to cancer of the thyroid gland or due to development of nodules of the thyroid glands, the rate of synthesis and secretion of the thyroid hormones is increased to abnormal high levels leading to a condition called hyperthyroidism which adversely affects the body physiology.

Exopthalmic goitre is a form of hyperthyroidism, characterised by enlargement of the thyroid gland, protrusion of the eyeballs, increased basal metabolic rate, and weight loss, also called Graves’ disease. Thyroid hormones play an important role in the regulation of the basal metabolic rate. These hormones also support the process of red blood cell formation. Thyroid hormones control the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Maintenance of water and electrolyte balance is also influenced by thyroid hormones. Thyroid gland also secretes a protein hormone called thyrocalcitonin (TCT) which regulates the blood calcium levels.

1.) _______________ Protein hormone secreted by thyroid gland regulates the blood calcium levels along with PTH.

  • a) thyromelatonin
  • b) thyrocalcitonin
  • c) thyrocalciumtonin
  • d) thyrocarbotonin

Ans:b) thyrocalcitonin

2.) cretinism is referred as,

  • a) stunted growth due to deficiency of iodine
  • b) stunted growth due to deficiency of thyroid hormones
  • c) mental retardation due to deficiency of iodine
  • d) deaf-mutism due to deficiency of iodine

Ans: a) stunted growth due to deficiency of iodine

3.) Explain how the both lobes of thyroid gland are interconnected?

Ans:Thyroid gland is composed of two lobes these lobes are interconnected with a thin flap of connective tissue called isthmus.

4.) Give the composition of thyroid follicle and their function?

Ans: Thyroid follicle is made up of follicular cells.

5.) What are adverse effect of iodine deficiency on human body?

Ans: Iodine is essential for the optimum level of thyroid hormones secretion. Deficiency of iodine in our diet results in hypothyroidism and enlargement of the thyroid gland, commonly known as goitre. Deficiency of iodine during pregnancy causes defective development and maturation of the growing baby leading to stunted growth (cretinism), mental retardation, low intelligence quotient, abnormal skin, deaf-mutism, etc. In adult women, deficiency of iodine may cause menstrual cycle to become irregular.

Hope the information shed above regarding Case Study and Passage Based Questions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 22 Chemical Coordination and Integration with Answers Pdf free download has been useful to an extent. If you have any other queries about CBSE Class 11 Biology Chemical Coordination and Integration Case Study and Passage Based Questions with Answers, feel free to comment below so that we can revert back to us at the earliest possible.
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