50+ JEE Mains MCQ Questions States of Matter: Gases and Liquids with Solutions

Preparing for the Joint Entrance Exam (JEE) can be a daunting task. With so many subjects to cover and so many topics to study, it can be challenging to know where to start. One essential topic in the JEE Mains syllabus is the States of Matter: Gases and Liquids. In this article, we will provide 50+ MCQ questions on the States of Matter: Gases and Liquids, along with detailed solutions to help you prepare for the JEE Mains exam.

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These 50+ MCQ questions are selected by the experts of studyrate.in and these are more difficult questions, which will help you to better understand States of Matter: Gases and Liquids JEE Mains MCQ Questions with Answers.

States of Matter: Gases and Liquids JEE Mains MCQ

The critical temperature of a gas is defined as the temperature above which:
A) The gas cannot exist in the liquid state, regardless of the pressure
B) The gas cannot be compressed to a liquid, regardless of the temperature
C) The gas shows ideal behavior
D) The gas undergoes a chemical reaction

Answer: B

The Van der Waals equation for real gases corrects for:
A) Interactions between gas molecules
B) The effect of temperature on gas volume
C) The effect of pressure on gas volume
D) The ideal gas assumption

Answer: A

The equation of state for an ideal gas is:
A) PV = nRT
B) PV = NkT
C) P + V = nRT
D) P = nRT

Answer: A

At absolute zero temperature, the volume of an ideal gas becomes:
A) Zero
B) Infinite
C) The same as its initial volume
D) Cannot be determined

Answer: A

The boiling point of a liquid is defined as the temperature at which:
A) The liquid freezes
B) The liquid evaporates at the surface
C) The liquid turns into a gas throughout its volume
D) The liquid changes color

Answer: C

Which of the following gases will have the highest average kinetic energy at the same temperature?
A) Oxygen (O2)
B) Nitrogen (N2)
C) Carbon dioxide (CO2)
D) Helium (He)

Answer: D

Which of the following factors affects the rate of effusion of a gas through a small hole?
A) Molar mass of the gas
B) Temperature of the gas
C) Pressure of the gas
D) Volume of the gas

Answer: A

The intermolecular forces in liquids are:
A) Weaker than in gases
B) Stronger than in gases
C) The same as in gases
D) Absent in liquids

Answer: B

The phenomenon of surface tension in a liquid arises due to:
A) Viscosity of the liquid
B) Cohesive forces between liquid molecules
C) Adhesive forces between liquid molecules and the container
D) Heat of vaporization of the liquid

Answer: B

The term “critical pressure” refers to the pressure:
A) At which a liquid becomes a gas
B) Above which a gas cannot be liquefied, regardless of temperature
C) Below which a gas cannot be liquefied, regardless of temperature
D) At which a gas becomes a liquid at the critical temperature

Answer: B

The phenomenon of capillary action in a liquid occurs due to:
A) Cohesive forces between liquid molecules
B) Adhesive forces between liquid molecules and the container
C) The force of gravity
D) The viscosity of the liquid

Answer: B

The relationship between pressure and volume of a gas at constant temperature is described by:
A) Boyle’s law
B) Charles’s law
C) Gay-Lussac’s law
D) Avogadro’s law

Answer: A

The temperature at which the vapor pressure of a liquid becomes equal to the external pressure is called:
A) Boiling point
B) Melting point
C) Freezing point
D) Sublimation point

Answer: A

The total pressure exerted by a mixture of non-reacting gases is given by:
A) Dalton’s law of partial pressures
B) Henry’s law
C) Raoult’s law
D) Graham’s law

Answer: A

The rate of diffusion of a gas is directly proportional to:
A) Its molar mass
B) The square root of its molar mass
C) The square of its molar mass
D) Its density

Answer: B

The process of conversion of a gas into a liquid is called:
A) Evaporation
B) Sublimation
C) Condensation
D) Vaporization

Answer: C

The phase diagram for a substance shows the relationship between:
A) Temperature and heat
B) Temperature and pressure
C) Pressure and volume
D) Temperature and volume

Answer: B

The term “vapor pressure” refers to the pressure exerted by:
A) A solid
B) A liquid
C) A gas
D) A mixture of gases

Answer: B

The viscosity of a liquid is directly proportional to:
A) Its temperature
B) Its pressure
C) The size of its molecules
D) The intermolecular forces in the liquid

Answer: D

The critical temperature of a gas is defined as the temperature:
A) At which a liquid turns into a gas
B) Below which a gas cannot be liquefied, regardless of pressure
C) Above which a gas cannot exist in the liquid state, regardless of pressure
D) At which a gas undergoes a chemical reaction

Answer: B

The process of a gas escaping through a small hole is called:
A) Diffusion
B) Effusion
C) Vaporization
D) Condensation

Answer: B

The temperature at which the vapor pressure of a liquid becomes equal to the atmospheric pressure is called:
A) Boiling point
B) Melting point
C) Freezing point
D) Critical point

Answer: A

The equation of state for an ideal gas is given by:
A) Boyle’s law
B) Charles’s law
C) Avogadro’s law
D) Ideal gas law

Answer: D

The process of conversion of a solid directly into a gas is called:
A) Sublimation
B) Evaporation
C) Vaporization
D) Condensation

Answer: A

The ideal gas law is given by the equation:
A) PV = nRT
B) P = nRT
C) V = nRT
D) PV = RT

Answer: A

The term “boiling point” refers to the temperature at which:
A) A liquid freezes
B) A liquid turns into a gas throughout its volume
C) A liquid changes color
D) A liquid evaporates at the surface

Answer: B

The phenomenon of boiling occurs when:
A) The vapor pressure of a liquid is equal to the atmospheric pressure
B) The vapor pressure of a liquid is less than the atmospheric pressure
C) The vapor pressure of a liquid is greater than the atmospheric pressure
D) The vapor pressure of a liquid is zero

Answer: A

The intermolecular forces in a gas are:
A) Stronger than in liquids
B) Weaker than in liquids
C) The same as in liquids
D) Absent in gases

Answer: D

The temperature at which a solid changes into a liquid is called:
A) Boiling point
B) Melting point
C) Freezing point
D) Sublimation point

Answer: B

The process of conversion of a liquid into a gas at a temperature below its boiling point is called:
A) Vaporization
B) Sublimation
C) Evaporation
D) Condensation

Answer: C

We hope there JEE MCQ of Class 11 States of Matter: Gases and Liquids will help you to score an excellent rank in JEE Mains and Advanced. If you have any queries feel free to write in the comments section. We at Study Rate are always ready to serve our students.


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