Here we will provide you the 50+ MCQ Questions of Nuclei for NEET-UG. Nuclei is the chapter 12 in Class XII or Class 12 Physics NCERT Unit Nuclei NEET (conducted by NTA) is based on the NCERT book.
These 50+ MCQ questions are selected by the experts of and these are more difficult questions, which will help you to better understand Nuclei NEET MCQ Questions with Answers.
Which of the following is not a factor that affects the stability of a nucleus?
a) The number of protons
b) The number of neutrons
c) The spin of the nucleus
d) The energy of the nucleus
What is the nuclear radius of an alpha particle?
a) 1 femtometer
b) 1 picometer
c) 1 nanometer
d) 1 micrometer
What is the approximate mass of a neutron in kilograms?
a) 1.67 x 10^-27 kg
b) 1.67 x 10^-24 kg
c) 1.67 x 10^-23 kg
d) 1.67 x 10^-22 kg
What is the energy released in the fusion of two deuterium nuclei to form helium-4?
a) 3.2 MeV
b) 4.4 MeV
c) 17.6 MeV
d) 22.4 MeV
What is the mass defect of an atom with a mass number of 238 and an atomic number of 92?
a) 2.55 amu
b) 5.45 amu
c) 8.45 amu
d) 9.45 amu
Which of the following is a fundamental force that acts within the nucleus?
a) Gravity
b) Electromagnetic force
c) Strong nuclear force
d) Weak nuclear force
What is the half-life of a radioactive substance that decays with a rate constant of 0.025 per year?
a) 5.5 years
b) 27.6 years
c) 69.3 years
d) 138.6 years
What is the energy equivalent of 1 amu?
a) 931.5 keV
b) 931.5 MeV
c) 931.5 GeV
d) 931.5 TeV
What is the nuclear force that holds protons and neutrons together in the nucleus?
a) Gravity
b) Electromagnetic force
c) Strong nuclear force
d) Weak nuclear force
What is the principle behind the working of a nuclear reactor?
a) Controlled nuclear fusion
b) Controlled nuclear fission
c) Uncontrolled nuclear fusion
d) Uncontrolled nuclear fission
Which of the following is a radioactive isotope used in medical imaging?
a) Carbon-14
b) Uranium-235
c) Cobalt-60
d) Iron-56
What is the maximum number of electrons that can occupy an energy level with n = 3?
a) 2
b) 8
c) 18
d) 32
What is the nuclear radius of a proton?
a) 0.1 femtometer
b) 1 femtometer
c) 10 femtometers
d) 100 femtometers
What is the energy released in the beta decay of tritium to helium-3?
a) 0.0186 MeV
b) 0.0493 MeV
c) 0.262 MeV
d) 0.546 MeV
What is the mass defect of an atom with a mass number of 235 and an atomic number of 92?
a) 1.63 amu
b) 4.81 amu
c) 7.05 amu
d) 9.32 amu
Which of the following is a type of nuclear reaction that involves the combination of atomic nuclei?
a) Fission
b) Fusion
c) Decay
d) Emission
What is the half-life of a radioactive substance that has decayed to 1/8 of its original amount?
a) 1 half-life
b) 2 half-lives
c) 3 half-lives
d) 4 half-lives
What is the binding energy per nucleon of an atom with a mass number of 56?
a) 7.92 MeV
b) 8.52 MeV
c) 9.12 MeV
d) 9.72 MeV
What is the principle behind the working of a nuclear bomb?
a) Controlled nuclear fusion
b) Controlled nuclear fission
c) Uncontrolled nuclear fusion
d) Uncontrolled nuclear fission
What is the most common type of beta decay?
a) Beta-minus decay
b) Beta-plus decay
c) Electron capture
d) Gamma decay
What is the minimum energy required to separate a proton and a neutron from the nucleus of an atom?
a) Binding energy
b) Coulomb energy
c) Nuclear energy
d) Threshold energy
What is the product of the alpha decay of radium-226?
a) Thorium-230
b) Radon-222
c) Polonium-218
d) Lead-214
What is the half-life of a radioactive isotope that decays with a rate constant of 0.015 min^-1?
a) 20 min
b) 46 min
c) 69 min
d) 115 min
Which of the following particles has the highest penetrating power?
a) Alpha particles
b) Beta particles
c) Gamma rays
d) Neutrons
What is the principle behind the functioning of a nuclear reactor?
a) Controlled nuclear fusion
b) Controlled nuclear fission
c) Uncontrolled nuclear fusion
d) Uncontrolled nuclear fission
Which of the following isotopes is commonly used in nuclear weapons?
a) Uranium-235
b) Uranium-238
c) Plutonium-239
d) Plutonium-240
What is the mass of a helium nucleus?
a) 1 atomic mass unit (amu)
b) 2 amu
c) 4 amu
d) 8 amu
What is the energy released in the fusion of deuterium and tritium to form helium-4?
a) 0.0175 MeV
b) 17.5 MeV
c) 175 MeV
d) 1.75 GeV
What is the ratio of the radii of two nuclei with the same number of protons, but with mass numbers in the ratio 2:3?
a) 2:3
b) 3:2
c) 4:9
d) 9:4
Which of the following particles is emitted in the process of alpha decay?
a) An electron
b) A positron
c) A proton
d) A helium nucleus
We hope there NEET MCQ of Class 12 Nuclei will help you to score an excellent rank in NEET-UG. If you have any queries feel free to write in the comments section. We at Study Rate are always ready to serve our students.