Here we will provide you the 50+ MCQ Questions of Haloalkanes and Haloarenes for NEET-UG. Surface Chemistry is the chapter 10 in Class XII or Class 12 Chemistry NCERT Unit Haloalkanes and Haloarenes NEET (conducted by NTA) is based on the NCERT book.
These 50+ MCQ questions are selected by the experts of and these are more difficult questions, which will help you to better understand Haloalkanes and Haloarenes NEET MCQ Questions with Answers.
Haloalkanes and Haloarenes NEET MCQ
Which of the following compounds has the highest boiling point?
a. CH3Cl
b. CH3CH2Cl
c. CH3CH2CH2Cl
d. CH3(CH2)2Cl
The solubility of haloalkanes in water generally:
a. Decreases as the size of the alkyl group attached to the halogen increases.
b. Increases with increasing molecular weight.
c. Increases as the size of the halogen atom decreases.
d. Is not affected by any factors.
Which of the following statements is correct about stereochemistry in haloalkanes?
a. All haloalkanes have chiral centers.
b. Stereoisomers can be classified into two types, enantiomers and diastereomers.
c. Molecules with tetrahedral geometry have no stereoisomers.
d. All halogens preferentially occupy equatorial positions in cyclohexane derivatives.
Which of the following statements is true for allylic halides?
a. They undergo nucleophilic substitution reactions like typical primary alkyl halides.
b. The carbon atom adjacent to the halogen has sp2 hybridization.
c. They cannot be converted into alkenes through elimination reactions.
d. The transition state of their SN1 reaction is not stabilized by resonance.
Which of the following haloalkanes would react most rapidly with aqueous NaOH?
a. CH3CH2I
b. (CH3)2CHCl
c. (CH3)3CCl
d. C6H5Cl
Which of the following reactions is not a characteristic reaction of haloarenes?
a. Nucleophilic substitution with OH- ion in presence of copper powder
b. Reduction into corresponding alkane using reducing metals and acids
c. Formation of Grignard reagents by using Mg metal and anhydrous ether as solvent
d. Preparation of aromatic hydrocarbon by dehalogenation using metallic sodium or magnesium
Amongst following compounds which is expected to show highest boiling point:
a) Chlorobenzene b) Benzyl chloride c) Ethyl chloride d) methyl fluoride
Which alkyl halide from the below options will have maximum optical activity?
a) R – Cl b) R – Br c) R – F d) R – I
Which one among the following does not produce an alkene on treatment with alcoholic KOH?
a) CH3 — CH = CH — CH2Br
b) H2C = CH — CH2Cl
c) CH3CH2CHBr- CH3
d)> C6H5 — CH2Br
Which of the following statements is true for allylic halides?
a. They undergo nucleophilic substitution reactions like typical primary alkyl halides.
b. The carbon atom adjacent to the halogen has sp2 hybridization.
c. They cannot be converted into alkenes through elimination reactions.
d. The transition state of their SN1 reaction is not stabilized by resonance.
Which of the following haloalkanes would react most rapidly with aqueous NaOH?
a. CH3CH2I
b. (CH3)2CHCl
c. (CH3)3CCl
d. C6H5Cl
Which of the following reactions is not a characteristic reaction of haloarenes?
a. Nucleophilic substitution with OH- ion in presence of copper powder
b. Reduction into corresponding alkane using reducing metals and acids
c. Formation of Grignard reagents by using Mg metal and anhydrous ether as solvent
d. Preparation of aromatic hydrocarbon by dehalogenation using metallic sodium or magnesium
Amongst following compounds which is expected to show highest boiling point:
a) Chlorobenzene b) Benzyl chloride c) Ethyl chloride d) methyl fluoride
Which alkyl halide from the below options will have maximum optical activity?
a) R – Cl b) R – Br c) R – F d) R – I
Which one among the following does not produce an alkene on treatment with alcoholic KOH?
a) CH3 — CH = CH — CH2Br
b) H2C = CH — CH2Cl
c) CH3CH2CHBr- CH3
d)> C6H5 — CH2Br
Which of the following statements is/are correct for vicinal dihalides?
i) They can be converted into alkenes by elimination reaction.
ii) The C–X bond in vicinal dihalides is shorter than the C–X bond in alkyl halides.
a. i only
b. ii only
c. Both i and ii
d. Neither i nor ii
Which of the following compounds is most reactive towards nucleophilic substitution reaction?
a. 2-bromo-3-methylbutane
b. 3-chloropropene
c. Chlorobenzene
d. Allyl alcohol
Which of the following haloalkanes gives racemic mixture on treatment with alcoholic KOH unless taken in concentrated form:
b.CH3 Br
c.CH3(CH2 )4 Br
d.C6H5 CHCl2
Arrange the following chloro derivatives of propane in decreasing order of reactivity towards nucleophilic substitution reactions:
1-chloropropane, 2-chloropropane,1-chloro-2-methylpropane.
a) 2-chloropropane > 1-chloropropane > 1-chloro-2-methylpropane
b) 1-chloro-2-methylpropane > 1-Chloropropane > 2-Chloropropane
c) P = S – depends on type of Nucleophile used
d) None
What happens when an aryl halide reacts with NaOH and CuI?
a.The chloride atom is replaced by the hydroxyl group
b.The reaction does not take place
c.The iodide atom is replaced by the hydroxyl group
d.The methyl group is converted into a carboxylic acid
The order of reactivity of primary, secondary and tertiary alkyl halides towards SN2 reactions are :
a. Tertiary >secondary > Primary
b. Secondary> Primary>Tertiary
c. Primary>Secondary>Tertiary
d. None of the above
The correct order of reactivity towards nucleophilic substitution reaction (SN1) for the following compounds is:
i) CH3CH2Br
ii) (CH3)2CHBr
iii) (CH3)3CBr
a. iii > ii > i
b. i > ii > iii
c. ii > i > iii
d. i = ii = iii
Which of the following statements about allylic halides is true?
a. They undergo SN2 reaction faster than SN1 reaction.
b. A mixture of two enantiomers cannot be obtained from them.
c. They give a positive iodoform test.
d. In their hydride-reduction product, the carbon atom attached to the halogen has sp2 hybridization.
Which of the following molecules(s)'(s) given below can be prepared using DDT?
If ‘xylyl bromide’ on heating with caffeic acid in dimethyl sulphoxide gives compound which attack human leukemia cell line then find out the product formed?
How many number of hydrogen bonds are present in chlorobenzene?
a.There are no hydrogen bonds present in it.
b.One c.Two d.Three
What happens when ethanol reacts with HI/HX?
a.Ethyl alcohol and an alkyl halide are formed
b.Acidic nature of HI destroys ethanol
c.Decompose into ethylene and water which is a redox reaction
d.Ethanol is inert to HX
Which of the following reagents can be used to convert alkyl fluorides into alcohols?
a. NaOH
b. LiAlH4
c. H2SO4
d. NaNH2
Which of the following compounds gives a yellow precipitate when treated with AgNO3 in ethanol?
a. Chlorobenzene
b. Bromobenzene
c. Iodobenzene
d. Fluorobenzene
Which of the following statements is true about benzyl chloride?
a) It can form benzoic acid by oxidation with an oxidizing agent.
b) Benzyl chloride reacts slowly with NaOH solution even on warming.
c) It may not give Fehling’s test for reducing sugar due to slow reaction rate.
d) Benzyl chloride cannot undergo Freidel – Crafts reaction.
What happens when aryl halides react with zinc and conc. HCl?
a.Zn and HCL combine to produce ZnCl2 which hydrolyses aryl halide
b.Aryl halide reduces to CsCs as Conc.HCL dissolves it
c.Solvolysis occurs on aryne compound present which breaks ring forming substituted benzenes air only
Which one of the following statements is correct regarding haloarenes?
a.Haloarenes undergo nucleophilic substitution reactions via SN2 mechanism as well as via SN1 mechanism.
b.Friedel-Crafts reaction of haloarenes proceeds smoothly without any catalyst in aliphatic solvents like n-pentane or hexane.
c.The C-X bond length increases in the order: C–I < C–Br < C–Cl < C–F.
d.Haloarenes are more reactive towards nucleophilic substitution than haloalkanes.
Which one of the following reactions shows both oxidation and reduction?
a. LiAlH4 + CH3CH2OH → CH3CH2OLi + Al(OH)4^-
b. HI + HNO3 → I2 + HNO2 + H2O
c. KMnO4 + FeSO4 + H2SO4 → K2SO4 + MnSO4 + Fe2(SO4)3+H2O+O2
d. BaCl2(aq) + NaSO4(aq) → BaSO4(s) ↓+ 2NaCl(aq)
We hope there NEET MCQ of Class 12 Haloalkanes and Haloarenes will help you to score an excellent rank in NEET-UG. If you have any queries feel free to write in the comments section. We at Study Rate are always ready to serve our students.