50+ NEET MCQ Questions Electromagnetic Induction with Solutions

Here we will provide you the 50+ MCQ Questions of Electromagnetic Induction for NEET-UG. Electromagnetic Induction is the chapter 6 in Class XII or Class 12 Physics NCERT Unit Electromagnetic Induction NEET (conducted by NTA) is based on the NCERT book.

These 50+ MCQ questions are selected by the experts of studyrate.in and these are more difficult questions, which will help you to better understand Electromagnetic Induction NEET MCQ Questions with Answers.

Electromagnetic Induction NEET MCQ

A metal loop of area A and resistance R is placed in a uniform magnetic field B. The loop is pulled out of the field in t seconds with one of its sides moving at a constant speed v. The magnitude of the induced emf in the loop during this process is:
(a) BvR
(b) BvtA
(c) BAtv
(d) BAtR

Answer: (b) BvtA

A straight wire of length l and mass m is hanging vertically from the ceiling. A uniform magnetic field B is present in the downward direction. If the wire is given a small lateral displacement and released, it starts oscillating with a time period T. The value of T is:
(a) πm/2B
(b) πm/B
(c) πmB/2
(d) 2πm/B

Answer: (a) πm/2B

A coil of radius R and resistance R is connected to a battery of emf ε. The coil is rotated about its diameter with a constant angular velocity ω in a uniform magnetic field B perpendicular to the axis of the coil. The current in the coil is:
(a) ε/R
(b) ε/(2R)
(c) ε/(πR)
(d) ε/(2πR)

Answer: (d) ε/(2πR)

A circular coil of radius R is placed in a uniform magnetic field B. The axis of the coil makes an angle θ with the direction of the field. If the coil has N turns and resistance R, the induced emf in the coil when the coil is rotated about its axis with an angular velocity ω is:
(a) NBωBR sin θ
(b) NBωR sin θ
(c) NωBR sin θ
(d) NBωBR cos θ

Answer: (a) NBωBR sin θ

A metal ring of radius R and resistance R is rotating about its diameter with a constant angular velocity ω in a uniform magnetic field B perpendicular to the plane of the ring. The induced emf in the ring is:
(a) 2πBRω
(b) πBRω
(c) 2πBω
(d) πBω

Answer: (b) πBRω

A wire of length L is moving with a constant velocity v parallel to a straight conductor of length L that is carrying a current I. If the wire and conductor are separated by a distance d, the force per unit length between the wire and the conductor is:
(a) μ0 ILv/d
(b) μ0 I^2L/dv
(c) μ0 IL/dv
(d) μ0 I^2L/dv^2

Answer: (a) μ0 ILv/d

A coil of N turns is rotated at a constant angular velocity ω in a uniform magnetic field B, which is perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the coil. If the resistance of the coil is R, the power developed in the coil is:
(a) (N^2B^2Rω^2)/2
(b) (N^2B^2Rω^3)/2
(c) (N^2B^2Rω^4)/2
(d) (N^2B^2Rω)/2

Answer: (b) (N^2B^2Rω^3)/2

A conducting rod of length L and resistance R moves with a constant velocity v perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field B. The rod is connected to a battery of emf ε and a resistor R0 as shown in the figure. The current in the circuit is:
(a) ε/(R+R0)
(b) εR0/(R+R0)^2
(c) εR0/(R+2R0)
(d) εR0/(R+3R0)

Answer: (c) εR0/(R+2R0)

A metallic loop of area A is rotated about an axis perpendicular to its plane with a constant angular velocity ω. A uniform magnetic field B is applied perpendicular to the plane of the loop. The induced emf in the loop is:
(a) zero
(b) ABω
(c) (1/2)ABω
(d) (1/4)ABω

Answer: (b) ABω

A rectangular loop of wire is moving with a constant velocity v in a uniform magnetic field B, as shown in the figure. The induced emf in the loop is:
(a) zero
(b) BvL
(c) BvW
(d) Bv(L+W)

Answer: (d) Bv(L+W)

A wire of length L is moving with a constant velocity v parallel to a straight conductor of length L that is carrying a current I. If the wire and conductor are separated by a distance d, the emf induced in the wire is:
(a) μ0 ILv/d
(b) μ0 I^2L/dv
(c) μ0 IL/dv
(d) μ0 I^2L/dv^2

Answer: (c) μ0 IL/dv

A circular coil of N turns and radius r is rotated with a constant angular velocity ω in a uniform magnetic field B that is perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the coil. If the resistance of the coil is R, the maximum current that can be induced in the coil is:
(a) NBπr^2ω/R
(b) (NBπr^2ω^2R)/(R^2+ω^2L^2)
(c) (NBπr^2ω^2L)/(R^2+ω^2L^2)
(d) NBπr^2ω^2/R

Answer: (b) (NBπr^2ω^2R)/(R^2+ω^2L^2)

A metallic ring of radius R is rotating with a constant angular velocity ω in a uniform magnetic field B that is perpendicular to the plane of the ring. The induced emf in the ring is:
(a) zero
(b) BR^2ω
(c) (1/2)BR^2ω
(d) (1/4)BR^2ω

Answer: (a) zero

A wire of length L moves with a constant velocity v parallel to a magnetic field B. If the wire makes an angle θ with the direction of the magnetic field, the induced emf in the wire is:
(a) BLv sin θ
(b) BLv cos θ
(c) BLv tan θ
(d) zero

Answer: (d) zero

A rectangular loop of wire is placed in a uniform magnetic field B, as shown in the figure. The loop is rotated about an axis perpendicular to its plane with a constant angular velocity ω. The induced emf in the loop is:
(a) zero
(b) BωL^2/2
(c) BωW^2/2
(d) Bω(L^2+W^2)/2

Answer: (d) Bω(L^2+W^2)/2

A rectangular loop of wire with sides of length L and W is placed in a uniform magnetic field B, as shown in the figure. The loop is rotated about an axis perpendicular to its plane with a constant angular velocity ω. The induced emf in the loop is maximum when the axis of rotation passes through:
(a) the midpoint of one of the longer sides
(b) the midpoint of one of the shorter sides
(c) the corner where the longer sides meet
(d) the corner where the shorter sides meet

Answer: (a) the midpoint of one of the longer sides

A metal rod of length L moves with a constant velocity v perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field B. The rod has a resistance R and a negligible mass. If a potential difference V is maintained across the ends of the rod, the power dissipated in the rod is:
(a) (B^2Lv^2)/R
(b) (B^2L^2v^2)/R
(c) (B^2Lv^3)/R
(d) (B^2L^2v^3)/R

Answer: (a) (B^2Lv^2)/R

A rectangular loop of wire of length L and width W is rotated with a constant angular velocity ω about an axis perpendicular to its plane. The loop is placed in a uniform magnetic field B that is parallel to one of the longer sides of the loop. The induced emf in the loop is:
(a) zero
(b) BL^2ω/2
(c) BW^2ω/2
(d) BL^2Wω/2

Answer: (d) BL^2Wω/2

A metal ring of radius R and resistance R is placed in a uniform magnetic field B that is perpendicular to the plane of the ring. The ring is connected to a resistor of resistance R/2, as shown in the figure. If the ring is rotated with a constant angular velocity ω about its diameter, the power dissipated in the resistor is:
(a) (B^2πR^4ω^2)/(16R^2)
(b) (B^2πR^4ω^2)/(8R^2)
(c) (B^2πR^4ω^2)/(4R^2)
(d) (B^2πR^4ω^2)/(2R^2)

Answer: (b) (B^2πR^4ω^2)/(8R^2)

A metal rod of length L moves with a constant velocity v parallel to a uniform magnetic field B. The rod has a resistance R and a negligible mass. If the rod is connected to a battery of emf E and internal resistance r, the current in the rod is maximum when the ratio R/r is:
(a) (E/BvL)
(b) (BvL)/E
(c) (BvL)/(E+rBvL)
(d) (E+rBvL)/(BvL)

Answer: (b) (BvL)/E

We hope there NEET MCQ of Class 12 Electromagnetic Induction will help you to score an excellent rank in NEET-UG. If you have any queries feel free to write in the comments section. We at Study Rate are always ready to serve our students.


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